Berit Ahlgren

As someone who had studied yoga asana for years, I found something so refreshing from TaraMarie's yoga class-- an honest and authentic care for yoga beyond the physical practice. Desiring to know how to bring a meditation practice into my life, I was able to develop an independent study with TaraMarie that challenged investigation into the corners of my life that needed better balance of mindfulness and loving kindness. TaraMarie's encouragement and gentle guidance revealed "a-ha!" moments for personal growth, with patience and strong tenderness. She continues to be a great mentor and dear friend.

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Nicholas Grubbs

Through the Perri Institute Yoga and Mind/Body Foundation Course, my yoga practice has begun to influence all aspects of my life in a profound way. I've unlocked parts of my physicality and spirituality that I never knew existed, and have deepened my understanding of and my connection to my psychological and emotional states. TaraMarie's structure places the unique path of each individual at its core, but also provides a community of like-minded individuals with a space to grow, share experiences, and refine their practice together.

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